Do you have New Year's Resolutions?

Q&A With Shay Each Sunday

2019 is just a day away! I don’t know about anyone else but a new year always brings me great anxiety. Even if the year wasn’t particularly good, I just don’t enjoy it coming to end and having a very concrete time passing marker. But, I still usually celebrate in some way, and I pretty much always end up feeling like NYE is overrated. I’m not sure if I’m going to do anything for it this year other than relax on the couch with snacks, which is fine by me.

Q: Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

A: Yes, tons! But they aren’t so much for the new year as they are for everyday life in general. But, like most people I’m resetting for January. All broken up into different categories. I’m glad I have a reason to write them down here.

-Lose weight obviously. Isn’t that most people’s resolution? I already go to the gym pretty much everyday and eat healthy for the most part. I gained weight over the summer and was already in the process of losing it before the holidays, so this one isn’t that far-fetched, but I’ll be continuing to work on my fitness goals, especially because I gained a few pounds back this month!

-Practice dog training our little monster everyday that we’re both home together. This seems like a nice practical resolution, so we’ll see how that one goes! (I’ve given up on previously thought of practical resolutions like: stop biting my nails. Something tells me this one will fall somewhere along those lines, but we’re going to try!)

-WRITE MORE! This one is going to take some more elaboration on my own. I am going to work on some motivation and time management goals because I’m really not that happy with the amount of work I have gotten done this past year and I need to make a change where that’s concerned. As always, I welcome tips. I will definitely be producing more in 2019 though—that’s a promise!

-I also have a lot of social goals. It’s a continuation of my everyday life struggles with social anxiety, which I’ve talked about before. If you haven’t read it yet, check out my post on selective mutism (here). I’m not fooling myself into thinking this will magically fix itself, but I am vowing to keep trying and putting effort in.

-I always do reading goals for the year, but in 2018 I seriously only read 8 books! Usually I read over 20-25, but I guess I was busy editing this year and since that’s all reading I must’ve needed a break from published books. Plus, I was also probably busy playing with my dog and watching Netflix in the times I might’ve been reading previously. I also don’t take baths at our apartment because that kind of weirds me out, but I love taking baths in the winter and reading a book at home. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I’m very excited to try it out in 2019! Though, you can never go wrong with a nice paperback—printed books are my favorites.

-I have some other career oriented goals I’ll be working on in terms of promotion and publication, so stay tuned to follow my writing journey and upcoming news in 2019!

What’re some of your New Year’s resolutions? Send me a message to connect!

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