Series of random answer questions

Q&A With Shay Each Sunday

For this week, here’s another fun answer series thrown into the mix, straying from my usual long answer Q&A. I am interspersing these for more brevity. Let me know what else you’d like to ask! Now, enjoy a series of random answers.

Q: Biggest pet peeve?

A: I have a lot, unfortunately, but the biggest is chewing noises/throat clearing, etc, which has really actually been discovered as a condition now: Misophonia. I most certainly have this.

Q: Favorite song of the moment (not of all time)?

A: “Ghost” by Badflower.

Q: Favorite show currently on the air?

A: I would say The Handmaid’s Tale and Stranger Things. BUT, those are on Hulu and Netflix, not a standard cable channel, so I don’t even know what “on the air” means anymore these days! If we’re going by standard-cable-TV-on-the-air then probably Younger or The Bold Type. Fun millennial geared shows, but I still prefer “old” on the air shows.

Q: Favorite show of all time?

A: Friends and Degrassi.

Q: Where would you bury hidden treasure?

A: Well, I’m not going to write that here in case I ever come across any that needs burying. But also, I definitely would not bury it.

Q: What do you drink with dinner?

A: Pretty much always just water. Sometimes beer, wine, or a mixed drink. But, I still need the water.

Q: Favorite food?

A: Tofu and broccoli in red curry from a good Asian restaurant. (Matsulin in Hampton Bays is my fav.) Funny story: In my sixth grade yearbook they did one of those little fact boxes for each student to fill out and run next to our picture. One of the questions was favorite food. I am probably the only sixth grader—or person for that matter—who wrote “broccoli.” I guess I was a weirdo back then, too, and I still love my broccoli.

Q: What did you dress up as for Halloween when you were a kid?

A: Get ready for more proof of my weirdness. I never bought costumes at the store, they were always things I wanted to make myself, or use random articles of whatever and put them together for a costume. There was: “A sleepy bear”—bear mask and robe. “Mrs. Frost”—Jack Frost’s wife. I used snowflake garlands that we had for Christmas decorations, wore a snowflake shirt, and painted snowflakes and glitter on my face. There was Annie Oakley, but I don’t think I knew who she was when I dressed up as her because I looked more like Mary Poppins—so just uneducated on famous cowgirls wearing red gloves and a lace bonnet…

There was a witch thrown in there, maybe even a princess. And when I was a cat it wasn’t a simple headband and whiskers painted on the face—it was a full-on creepy cat head with a mane. As I got older, I pretty much kept all this DIYing up with a peacock costume, a murderer, a Starbucks latte, and last year I was a handmaid.

Q: Favorite kind of sandwich?

A: Eggplant on focaccia bread with mozzarella, provolone, tomato and balsamic from Scotto’s in Hampton Bays. That’s right, it’s specific.

Q: Astrological sign? Do you believe in the qualities?

A: Sagittarius. Some of them. I’m not that into zodiac and astrology but I also find it interesting.

Q: Favorite type of fruit pie?

A: Pumpkin, and only pumpkin. I’m more into chocolates, tiramisu, and cheesecake type flavors where my desserts are concerned. But, I LOVE pumpkin pie, it’s a must at Thanksgiving—and the accompanying vanilla ice cream is a necessity.

Q: Occupations you wanted as a kid?

A: Professional tennis player, singer, or dolphin trainer.

Q: What movie has everyone else seen that you haven’t?

A: Probably The Sandlot. I keep meaning to, but haven’t gotten to it—it wasn’t a staple of my childhood like Hook and The Neverending Story were.

But, honestly, probably a lot of movies. I don’t watch any of those popular action movies. i.e.: James Bond movies, Fast & Furious, Oceans (all the following numbers).

Q: What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

A: Most of the Nickelodeon ones, especially Rugrats and Hey Arnold!

Q: Finally, what’re you working on?

A: Fractured, still. I’m going to be immersing myself more fully in my next book starting in November. I also plan to revisit my first book, Crashing Waves. AND, there’s a lot of editing work I’m busy with. So, working on lots of different things while trying to keep good focus on each of them!
